Friday 20 May 2016

Final Blog post for today.

So its time for us to get home, have a shower and catch up on our sleep. Mr O'Brien spoke to this morning about how when you are truly homeless  you would have to do this every night. There would be no warm Croissant and film to wake up to and no shower to have. We must remember this when collecting our sponsorship over the next week or so. Lets raise as much as we can to help our community.

I am sure there will be more posts in the coming weeks detailing the "Rough Sleep Awards" and totals of sponsorship but for now WELL DONE YEAR 8 and all the staff involved. 

Home time

STOP PRESS: Picking up students this morning and card

We seem to be ahead of schedule, therefore you will be free to pick up students from 7.30 this morning. Also please can I remind you, that if possible could you take card home with you and  recycle. As you can see from the pictures we have a very large pile of card!

Many thanks for all your support, its been a great event. More pictures to follow.

Still not to late to sponsor one of the students.

Mr L Norton took this very fitting picture!

Movie - part 2 - Breakfast making

So the students have done a most excellent job of tidying up and now watching the last part of the film from last night whilst we prepare their breakfast donated by Malden Manor Co-op.

Cleaning when half asleep.